顯示具有 溝通原則 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 溝通原則 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2008年6月4日 星期三





摘自:《溝通成功術》 商周出版提供





摘自:《溝通成功術》 商周出版提供

2008年5月12日 星期一

職場不能說的「實話」 得罪別人還恍然不知

“語言信號”是溝通的三大主要信號之一, 不當的言語,可能會影響自己的信譽、自悔前途,或是破壞團隊士氣。說話的藝術不在於甜言蜜語, 而是在於適當、得體,不至於讓人感到刺耳或因此得罪他人。

2007年10月24日 星期三

External Communication Rules of Thumb for Engineering

From Robert Liu's Blog:

I. In general, legal and finance information should be treated as confidential.

II. Be very careful forwarding internal email to external parties – examine the email trail first and determine if all content is appropriate to share. Once sent externally, emails are impossible to retrieve.

II. When sending email to an alias or distribution list, check the distribution list members you are sending to and know who are in the distribution list before sending email.

III. Whenever possible when responding to emails that requires a definitive answer or a decision response, sync up internally before responding. Imagine if someone outside receives conflicting responses to the same question, it takes longer to clarify and correct.

IV. Remember you are the face of the company for external partners. Lack of consideration in politeness, thoroughness of response, correctness all plays a part in how outsiders perceive the company and the group you work in. Positive impression is an understated value – if you are perceived negatively, you usually don’t know until your manager knows and the whole chain of command at the partner knows.

V. Be more polite than you need to be, especially in email communication where subtle conversation context is limited. Believe it or not, I’ve seen cross company flame wars – not pretty and counter-productive.

VI. Treat all partner confidential information as company confidential. Just a reminder on respecting someone else’s intellectual property.

VII. Be very careful exposing and discussing internal issues with partners – partners should not be expected to solve internal problems. Usually, partners can care less about internal issues; they just need to get the job done. Nice partners may offer to help, but then again, we don’t want to air our dirty laundry – so to speak.

VIII. Cc relevant team members in external communications. Savvy partners sometimes target individuals to search for information they can use.

IX. Don’t delete the email trail both to and from external partners. You never know when you may need the reference. I reference emails from 3 years back still. Long live legacy data.

2007年9月18日 星期二

蔡志浩: 有效溝通的原則

原文出自 Taiwan 2.0 » 有效溝通的原則 http://taiwan.chtsai.org/2007/09/16/youxiao_goutong_de_yuanze/

我很欣賞蔡志浩老師的文章, 不論是簡報的方法與技巧, 還是對於這片土地的關注, 都深得我心. 這篇文章提到有效溝通的「四不一要」原則, 雖然是寫給醫學院學生看, 但是也絕對適用於我們. 因為, 我們公司不也和醫院一樣, 是個重視團隊的環境, 同樣需要大量的溝通嗎?